That’s a bold statement. Let me first say that I believe COVID is real. I believe that it poses a real threat to some of our population. I believe that every death that has been a result of Covid is sad, as is every other death. So based upon all of that, let me explain what I mean.
I was listening to a podcast with pastor and author Tim Keller who some time ago was diagnosed with cancer. The host of the podcast, Kevin DeYoung, said that he had heard Tim say that he was “not battling cancer.” Tim went on to say that he believed that to be true, that he had cancer and was undergoing treatment, but that he was not battling cancer, he was battling sin.
I thought this statement was powerful, honest, and true. it got me thinking about Covid. Are we battling Covid? Or are we battling sin? I think the answer is that we are battling sin, and there are many sins that we are battling.
Sin Is More Dangerous Than Covid
In one sense Covid hasn’t cost anyone their life. Covid may be a secondary cause of death, but the real reason we will all face death one day is because of sin.
“For the wages of sin is death...”
There are many secondary causes for which people die, Covid being one of them. But ultimately there is only cause of death and that is sin.
Jesus is More Powerful Than Covid
The good news is that Romans 6:23 doesn’t end there!
“...but there gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Death is the deserved payment for anything we have done that falls short of the glory of God, which is how Romans 3:23 defines sin. Anything that lacks in perfect conformity to the character and will of God is sin. Certainly we have all fallen short of that standard. Certainly we all deserve to die.
But this is where Jesus is the best news ever! God became part of his creation, born of a virgin, sinless in his life and he died in our place. Receiving the wages that we deserved because of our sin so that we could receive the life that he deserved!
3 days later he was vindicated in his claims to be able to give eternal life when he was resurrected from the dead. All we have to do is put our whole faith and trust in his goodness on our behalf and not in our own and surrender to him and we are forgiven of our sins! This is the best news ever.
The Front Lines in the War on Covid
So where are the front lines? As important as healthcare is, the real front line in the fight against Covid is Spiritual.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Let me suggest some of the battle lines that have been drawn.
Pride: Some of us are more concerned with getting our way than caring about our duty to the churches and communities we belong. (Eph. 4:15-16)
Fear: To be sure there is a fear that is healthy. But when our fear begins to cause us to think that God isn’t in control, isn’t good, isn’t at work in the world, that he didn’t see this coming, that he is responding to what is going on, or that maybe he got this one wrong…then our fear has taken a dominant place over our faith. (1 John 4:18)
Carelessness: You might not be afraid of Covid, but for some it is deadly. For others, their fear is existential whether you think it should be or not. Being considerate of what others are experiencing is a means by which we can love our neighbors. (Mt. 22:38-39)
Selfishness: One of the reasons that the people of God are commanded to gather is so that we can do others good spiritually. If you find it easier to watch from home, not wear a mask, not participate in the gathering, etc. for reasons that are selfish or sinfully self-protective, then you are putting yourself in a position where you can’t do spiritual good to others. Get up a little earlier, get dressed, and come encourage others to love and good deeds. (Heb. 10:25)
Complaint: I believe this is a sin that we way too often underestimate. But God’s word is clear, grumbling is sin. Why, because fundamentally complaint flows from a belief that you could have done better than God. (1 Cor. 10:1-6)
Under/Over Obedience: I admit that feels weird to type. But the truth is that as Christians we ought to understand better than anyone that government is given to us by God for the ordering and discipline of society. But we also must understand that governments authority has boundaries that have been set by God. When the government forbids what God commands we must obey God and not men. (Acts 5:29; Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-17)
There are probably many other sins to which we are prone and this list is not meant to be exhaustive. I would encourage you to search your own heart and see how you are doing in the battle?
I will leave you with one thought, something that John Newton said. He said that he struggled with “inordinate attachment to the things of time.” May your attachments to the things in time be tempered by the treasure of our hearts being in heaven.