Pastor Kris Harrison
Executive pastor
The Basics
Hometown: Dallas, TX.
Family: My wife Anne and I have 7 children: Hannah, Calla, Elliott, Ruthie, Seth, Evan, and Max. Some we adopted from China, and some we acquired the old fashioned way.
Your Roles and Responsibilities at Trinity: As Executive Pastor, I wear several hats. First and foremost, I help Trinity stay on our mission to take steps together to love God and make him known. I do this by shepherding our staff as they fulfill this mission, and I guide the people of Trinity to be a growing church in our community and for our community. I oversee our Growth Groups and other adult classes, our outreach, and our Guest Connections.
How You Ended Up at Trinity: God brought me here. I had never even been to the state of Washington before I came to serve the Lord here at Trinity.
Hobbies: I am an avid reader of all kinds of books. I also like to tinker with building furniture. And, I am slowly learning how to make the perfect cup of coffee.
Favorite Books: I love to read, so it is hard to pick just one or two favorites. I’ve been really impacted by Dallas Willard’s writing, and Jerry Bridges. I also like the works of Flannery O’Connor and the playwright Brian Friel.
Favorite Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life.
Favorite Bands/Music: I like a lot of music, but probably my biggest favorites are Paul Simon and Shane & Shane.
Favorite Place You’d Like to Visit: I’ve been blessed to travel a lot in my life, but one place I’d really love to visit is Ireland. Don’t tell my wife, but I’m planning to surprise her with a trip there. Some time.
A Few Other Favorite Things: I really enjoy the work of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Behind The Scenes
Secret Talent: In my “first life,” I was an actor and a director. I still enjoy the theatre, and I have been able to bring creativity and collaboration to my ministry here at Trinity.
Wildest Dream: When I was a kid, I always had a fantasy of being a kicker for the Dallas Cowboys.
Faith & Vision
Your Hope and Vision for Trinity: I’d love to see Trinity continue to reach out beyond our doors and impact our community with the gospel.
How Long Have You Known the Lord? I was saved the summer after I graduated college. I’ve been pursuing God in the Christian life ever since.
Faith Upbringing: I grew up in a Reformed church, and then as an adult went to Baptist churches and Bible churches.