Every other week volunteers get together to pack food bags for Green Park and Prospect Point elementary schools for kids to take home over the weekend. Currently there are 105 students who are given food bags.

We are always accepting food donations to fill our pantry for these food bags. Check out the list of requested foods below:

· Oatmeal packets
· Ramen
· Yogurt covered raisins
· Apples
· Bananas
· Cutie oranges
· Trail mix individually packaged
· Cheese crackers individually packaged (cheese-its or gold fish)

If you’re able to donate any of these items, please bring them by the office! If you have any questions, contact us.



Trinity is excited to partner with the “Friends” organization in Walla Walla! Adults can sign up to be a “friend” to a kid in our school district. The kids in the program are usually those in need of an adult roll model. The commitment is to meet with the student during their lunch once a week. There are a bunch of schools to choose from but Trinity is especially focused on serving Prospect Point and Green park this year. Use this link to sign up to be a Friend!